Sweat Lodge Ceremony
Sweat Lodge Ceremony with Tim Yearington
Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2024
Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sweat Lodge Facilitator Bio:
Tim Yearington/Grey Thunderbird Man is a Métis-Algonquin knowledge keeper, elder, teacher, storyteller and author. He is a traditional thunderbird (a shaman) which is a spiritual helper to the people. Tim is from North Bay and is a citizen of the Métis Nation of Ontario. His ancestors are from Mattawa and the Ottawa River Valley which is Kitchizibi (Great River) Algonquin Territory. Tim spends much of his time sharing ancient traditional knowledge through teachings and ceremonies on the land with people. Tim’s work is all about enlightening and empowering people to use the natural medicine of their own spirit to help them heal upon the path of life.
For more information about Tim, please visit: www.timyearington.com
Cost: By donation
Please note that your donation to this sweat lodge ceremony covers the elder’s time, travel and lodge site preparation. His preparation requires two separate visits to Mattawa from Kingston which is a 6 hour drive one way. Your donation also helps to cover the cost of firewood and the fire-keeper’s assistance. To be clear, your donation is not for the sweat lodge ceremony itself, nor for any traditional teachings.
Max Capacity: 10-12 people
Meals/Eating (Pre-Ceremony):
Participants must fast the morning/day of the sweat. It is okay to drink water, and morning juice/coffee, but no food should be consumed to prevent vomiting inside the lodge.
Alcohol and drugs are NOT allowed at the site. As well, all participants must refrain from the use of any alcohol or any recreational drugs for FOUR days before the sweat. Medical prescriptions are okay.
Meals/Eating (Post-Ceremony):
There will be a shared potluck meal with everyone post-ceremony. Please bring something for the potluck feast. Homemade is best.
Men must wear sport shorts and women must wear a long skirt.
Dress for the weather of the day and bring a full change of clothing. You will want to wear your warm clothes before going inside the sweat lodge. In the lodge you will be sitting/lying on the earth.
Showers are available on-site.
What to Bring?
Please bring a blanket, towel, water bottle, and a lawn chair.
Your pot-luck food item.
Respectful Behaviour.
Additional details, including sweat lodge protocols and traditional teachings, will be provided on-site.
While at the sweat lodge please respect the guidelines of your ceremony elder, fire-keeper, and helpers. Any disrespectful behaviour or lateral violence will not be tolerated. Please bring your “attitude of gratitude”!
Contact Information:
Jen Demille (Nature’s Harmony): rest@naturesharmony.ca, or
Tim Yearington (Sweat Facilitator): 613-328-4815. timyearington@gmail.com